Thursday 15 March 2012

Top 10 women 2012 Edition

Who Is The Most Desirable Woman of 2012?

The ladies of 2012 aren't just the next pretty faces, They're smart, strong women who offer the complete package. So, who moved up the ranks from last year? Who didn't make the cut? Who burst onto the scene and demanded our attention? And, out of all of these, who claimed the No. 1 spot? check out.

1 : Sofia Vergara no. 1?

She said...

I am so honored to be AskMen’s most desired woman this year. A big thank you to all the men who desire me.

When it comes to Colombian imports, none are more in demand than Sofia Vergara these days. The jaw-dropping Modern Family star is one of our favorite things about one of our favorite comedies.You don't have to pretend to laugh at her jokes, even if you do have to make a concerted effort to pay attention to them. And though you'd never think it to look at her, Vergara is mother to a 20-year-old. Vergara shows off the best cleavage on network TV, and we've never been more jealous of Ed O'Neill. But despite her obvious assets, Vergara's also one very funny woman, lampooning stereotypes with her perfect timing.

2 : Kate Upton no. 2 ?

She said...

OMFG Kate Upton...

How does the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue still compete with all of the sexy photo spreads and porn found online these days? Even a video of her doing the Dougie at a Clippers game went viral. If she can make the dumbest dance craze in years look sexy, just imagine what else she can do.By featuring the most gorgeous bikini beauties in the world. And Kate Upton was 2011's best find. Upton's classically curvy body and face full of girlish charm make her an easy choice as a breakout model.

3 : Rooney Mara no. 3?

She said...

People have a hard time with strong females and with nudity... It's just a teaser poster. I think it did just that. It teased people.

She may have indirectly contributed to the rise of Facebook in The Social Network, but when David Fincher tabbed Rooney Mara to be the lead in his blockbuster adaptation of the best-selling novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the response was a universal "Who?" The cute, unassuming brunette had to undergo a total transformation in order to play Lisbeth Salander, completely committing herself to the gritty role.  The risk paid off in Hollywood, too, as the role snagged her an Oscar nom.When the movie poster came out of Daniel Craig with his arm draped around a topless and heavily pierced Mara, punks everywhere officially found their new pin-up girl.

4: Miranda Kerr no. 4?
She said...

She is beautiful, sexy, sweet and everything that a man will ask for in a woman. She is definitely a kind of happiness pill. But, apart from those things, she has an effect that relaxes men, and takes us away from our everyday stress.

This elegant Aussie has dimples we could get lost in and never want to come out of. The young married couple, who have to be in the running for World's Prettiest, had a son in 2011, and Kerr has only gotten more stunning as a mother.A Victoria's Secret model since 2007, Miranda Kerr was selected in 2011 to unveil the $2.5 million Victoria's Secret Fantasy Treasure Bra. If the company trusts her with its most prized product, we can certainly trust her with our fantasies. Unfortunately, she's spoken for by Orlando Bloom.

5 : Nicki Minaj no. 5? 

She said...

It's a combo of the hair and the figure.

If you like your artists a little out-there - but not quite Lady Gaga out-there - then consider Nicki Minaj a good mid-range option. With everyone from Rihanna to Drake collaborating with her, Minaj is in high demand these days. After all, it's not often you find a female emcee whose looks are as infectious as her rhymes.Normally, we'd warn you away from any woman with as many wigs, alter egos and odd fashion choices as the curvy "Super Bass" rapper, but this constant feature on the Billboard Hot 100 charts is soon to be a regular on the Top 99, too.

6: Emma Stone no. 6?

She said...

I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you, and we would have chubby little freckled faced kids.

We can't blame Jim Carrey for his creepy proclamations of love for Emma Stone. When she's not causing men twice her age to record video testimonials or player to rethink their life plan, the star of the Oscar-nominated The Help is impressing us with her comedic timing and laid-back attitude. So, yeah, Jim, we like her, too.With her disarming smile and raspy voice, the fiery redhead inspires that kind of devotion in a lot of men. In Crazy, Stupid, Love, Stone played a girl socompletely perfect that she drove a career playboy to give up the game. The role really wasn't much of a stretch.

7: Scarlett Johansson no. 7? 

She said...

I know my best angles.

Just when it looked like some of Scarlett Johansson's star was fading, she came back into the spotlight in a big way. It's a wonder what a couple of leaked nude photos will do. While a little of the mystery has been lost -- along with Johansson's privacy -- she was a surprisingly good sport about the ordeal. She laughed it off by admitting she "knows her best angles" and reminded us that the shots were for her then-husband, Ryan Reynolds. And after a public divorce from said husband, Johansson's officially back on the market.

8: Kim Kardashian no. 8? 

She said...

I mean, cuddling is nice and all, and that glamorous night on the town is romantic for sure, but sometimes a girl just wants to have a bit more fun. I mean, you can't be little miss prim and proper every night of the year.

Sure, you may not have a shot with Kim Kardashian unless you're a pro athlete, but it's nice to dream, especially since the socialite is single again after a whirlwind, made-for-TV divorce from NBA power forward Kris Humphries. Hey, her killer curves make us willing to overlook a lot about the noted publicity hound. Because if there's any reason we're still keeping up with the Kardashians, it's Kim.You may have had sticks of gum that lasted longer than their marriage, but Kim's impulsiveness isn't necessarily a bad thing.

9: Rihanna no. 9? 

She said...

I love to be tied up and spanked. I like to be whipped... but I prefer to be spontaneous. Using whips and chains is too planned - you have to stop and look for the whip. I prefer them to use their hands.

In her memoir Bossypants, Tina Fey cheered Beyonce for "bringing back the leg meat." Well, Rihanna has taken that "leg meat" torch and run with it.  Even the snooty Brits can't get enough of her. When Coldplay's Chris Martin needed a female vocalist for his recent "Princess of China,” he got Rihanna -- even though his wife Gwyneth Paltrow is trying to jumpstart her singing career. Sorry, Gwyneth, you've got no "leg meat."Watching her dance makes us forget that we ever desired supermodels with sticks for legs.

10: Candice Swanepoel no. 10? 

She said...

It's an honor being voted especially with such incredible company. Who would have thought that a farm girl... would one day be one of the top 10 most desirable woman in the world.

Few women truly deserve the title "Angel," but one look at Candice Swanepoel is all you need to know that the moniker fits. Add a sexy accent to that mix, a humble upbringing (she grew up on a farm in South Africa) and an admirable predisposition to walking around in her underwear, and it's no wonder Swanepoel earned her wings.In fact, upon closer inspection, it's probably an understatement. The 5'9" supermodel is currently walking the runways for Victoria's Secret, joining an elite list of women who can turn us into drooling messes simply by striking a pose.


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